Monday, October 10, 2011

Chinook choppers grounded after computer problem

Two of Australia's Chinooks are based in Afghanistan
The Australian Army has grounded its CH-47D Chinook helicopters after finding possible problems with the aircraft's flight control systems.
The Defence Department says the suspension of flying operations is a precaution to ensure safety and is consistent with procedures.

The Chinooks will remain grounded while a technical analysis by Defence and Boeing is carried out.

Brigadier Neil Turton, director-general of aviation, says issues have been identified in the CH-47D's advanced flight control system (AFCS).

"The precautionary suspension will remain in place pending technical analysis of flight data by Defence and Boeing," he said in a statement.

Of the Army's five Chinook helicopters, two are in Afghanistan's Kandahar region as part of the US 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, but Defence says the suspension is not expected to have an impact on operations.

The Australian Army has operated Chinooks since 1973, but the CH-47Ds are a relatively recent acquisition with the first delivered in 1995.

One was lost in Afghanistan in May in a crash which killed an Australian soldier.

Source: ABC News

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